World’s Richest Acre

World’s Richest Acre101-199 E Main St Kilgore, TX 75662 Hours 24-hours AdmissionFree In a town with over 1,000 wells in the down town alone, the World’s Richest Acre is a 1.195-acre standout in the East Texas Oil Boom. While the boom began in 1930, it wasn’t until June 17, 1937 that the Mrs. Bess Johnson-Adams…

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Parker Drilling Co. Rig 114

Motorists along Route 66 expect to see many things—classic diners, period motels, and no shortage of tourist traps. But what such a traveler probably wasn’t expecting but certainly cannot miss, is the massive Parker Drilling Co. Rig 114, parked right along America’s Main Street. This 181 foot tall rig is one of the tallest rigs…

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